Order Inquiry

For all your questions about your orders and to get information about products, you can contact us from anywhere in Turkey by calling +90 530 124 51 46 or you can request support by filling out our contact form.
* Email
* Order Number

When Receiving Your Product

Before signing the shipping report, check the box of your product for any damage or problem. If for any reason there is any damage or defect, or if there is an opening in the band of the parcel, please return your box with the request to keep a report to the cargo officer without signing any documents related to the delivery. If you fulfill this obligation, your new products will be sent to you immediately. We are not responsible for the damage or deficiency of the products in the case of receipt of the products with damaged boxes and alleged missing contents. Please report this situation as soon as possible in writing to our address bilgi@mehmeteminteke.com or verbally to our phone number +90 530 124 51 46, together with the contract number.

Our Customer Service

For all your questions about your orders and to get information about products, you can contact us from anywhere in Turkey by calling +90 530 124 51 46 or you can request support by filling out our contact form.